My Art Philosophy

I believe in egalitarianism for all living things. I believe in the circle of life, balance and harmony. I believe art is for people, made by people. Art records sociological, economic, environmental, political and spiritual events referenced from within the artist’s own life. The Arts and Visual Art in particular provide the artist with a platform from which they can both interrogate and make social commentary on either local or global issues. The artist’s commentary is a personal point of view or an amalgamation of the key issues they wish to communicate. Art and artists’ visual commentaries provide a Segway to keep the balance of power and autonomy for all.

I am predominantly a landscape artist, my mission to convey my deep connection to the environment and all living beings. I hope my paintings will create a connection with the viewer. I intend to draw the viewer into my scene where they will find themselves lost within each brushstroke. I endeavor to evoke emotion and challenge the viewer to think about what they are seeing.
If we see the beauty that a landscape provides and feel a connection, we as individuals are more likely to take care of the environment and all living beings ensuring their survival for future generations. I hope to generate such connections through my paintings.

I try to reveal the inherent soul hidden within each landscape before me. I exaggerate the textures, heighten the saturation and turn up the contrast deliberately. I see pattern and intense light. I have congenital nystagmus; the rapid involuntary movement of both eyes means I don’t see much of the scene I am looking at. I see an unusual version composed of dots, dashes, slashes and broken lines. This exemplifies not only the way in which I see as a visually impaired artist with 6% vision but how when we lose one of the senses, how the others are magnified in multitudes. I want to capture the way I see so those who rely solely on their full sight can see the world through my eyes. To see the environment through my lens gives the viewer a somewhat unique snapshot of a landscape not seen in such a way before.
